Scientific background

Scientific background

The important part of BrainID® -mapping is BrainMind Audit® profile, which is based on basic neuroscience research conducted since the 1970s (references at the end).

BrainMind Audit® profile

The BrainMind Audit® profile describes nine measurable traits or markers of brain activity that are combined with mental functions based on available research data. The markers to be measured are identifiable, permanent and reliable to measure. Each measurement is compared to standard data according to the principles of neurometry. This provides a profile of the optimality of the cognitive and emotional functioning of an individual’s brain.

These nine markers are based on the scientific expertise of the BM-Science researchers who developed the survey, as evidenced by more than 170 published articles, research data from more than 400 neuroscience publications related to these markers, and a unique innovation developed from this work.
BM-Science – Brain & Mind Technologies Research Centre |


The scientific invention, combined with mentoring, has been commercialized into the BrainID® service, which aims to benefit people at work in particular by stimulating and supporting their own aspirations for well-being.

The measurement result is functional, not clinical. The BrainID® service excludes all uses where the criteria are not met, as is not the case for medical use.

The research done supports the application of BrainID® mapping as part of mentoring, job coaching and coaching. In addition to commercial use, BrainMind Audit® is also in active research use. Ongoing further research will benefit further development.


In BrainID® service BrainMind Audit® acts as a mentor tool. Mentoring is a discussion of the research outcome and the ideas it evokes. Supported by discussions with the mentor, the client finds the best changes in their own daily life that improve their well-being. There is currently research in the scientific evaluation process to find out how mentoring helps the client commit to and implement the changes they want, such as lifestyle changes.

BrainID Oy certifies as mentors only trained working life development professionals (coaches, coaches, work supervisors) who have supplemented their skills with additional training related to the use of the method.

  • qEEG measurement is easy and safe and does not cause any side effects
  • The information obtained is confidential, only to be disclosed to the person being measured
  • The data will be processed as required by data protection law
BM-Science: Alexander & Andrew Fingelkurts, Carlos Neves
BM-Science: Alexander & Andrew Fingelkurts, Carlos Neves

The scientific article from the BM-Science development team on the effectiveness of BrainID

The new study reporting first ever neuroimaging screening of the coaching training is published in “Coaching: An International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice”…

BrainMind Audit® -profile consists of nine markers. Each dimension of the profile has a strong correlation with neurological markers.

  • Vigilance, voltage
  • Performance speed
  • Internal focusing
  • Emotional motivation tendency
  • Sociality
  • Orientation of anxiety
  • Stress management
  • Total brain resources
  • Deviation from optimal brain function


Published research data underlying BrainID® mapping
Fingelkurts A.A., Fingelkurts A.A., Kallio-Tamminen T. EEG-guided meditation: A personalized approach. J. Physiol. Paris 2015; 109: 180–190.

Reliability of qEEG measurement
Begleiter H., Porjesz B. Genetics of human brain oscillations. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 2006; 60: 162–171.
Fingelkurts A.A., Fingelkurts A.A., Ermolaev V.A., Kaplan A.Y. Stability, reliability and consistency of the compositions of brain oscillations. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 2006; 59: 116–126.
Gasser T., Bächer P., Steinberg H. Test–retest reliability of spectral parameters of the EEG. Electroencephalogr. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1985; 60: 312–319.
Huang J., Sander C., Jawinski P., Ulke C., Spada J., Hegerl U., Hensch, T. Test-retest reliability of brain arousal regulation as assessed with VIGALL 2.0., 2015.
Kondacs A., Szabo M. Long-term intra-individual variability of the background EEG in normals. Clin. Neurophysiol. 1999; 110: 1708–1716.
Smit D.J.A., Postuma D., Boomsma D.I., De Geus E.J.C. Heritability of background EEG across the power spectrum. Psychophysiology 2005; 42: 691–697.
Smit C.M., Wright M.J., Hansell N.K., Geffen G.M., Martin N.G. Genetic variation of individual alpha frequency (IAF) and alpha power in a large adolescent twin sample. Int. J. Psychophysiol. 2006; 61: 235–243.
van Beijsterveldt C.E., van Baal G.C. Twin and family studies of the human electroencephalogram: a review and a meta-analysis. Biol. Psychol. 2002; 61: 111–138.

qEEG and mental functions
Angelakis E., Stathopoulou S., Frymiare J.L., Green D.L., Lubar J.F., Kounios J. EEG neurofeedback: a brief overview and an example of peak alpha frequency training for cognitive enhancement in the elderly. Clin. Neuropsychol. 2007; 21: 110–129.
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Collura T.F. Neuronal dynamics in relation to normative electroencephalography assessment and training. Biofeedback 2008; 36: 134–139.
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Hanslmayr S., Sauseng P., Doppelmayr M., Schabus M., Klimesch, W. Increasing individual upper alpha power by neurofeedback improves cognitive performance in human subjects. Appl. Psychophysiol. Biofeedback 2005; 30: 1–10.
Hughes J.R., John E.R. Conventional and quantitative electroencephalography in psychiatry. Neuropsychiatry 1999; 11: 190-208.
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